Commercial cleaning company negligently used defective cleaning equipment causing water to leak onto the floor. Homeowner, unaware of leak and water, slipped and fell on floor. As a result, she suffered severe and permanent injuries, including a torn rotator cuff and the reduced use of her left arm. Significant settlement offer was rejected as jury deliberated and the $2,300,000 award was the largest slip and fall verdict in Muscogee County history.
Our Successes
$1,550,000 Car Wreck Settlement
County vehicle negligently caused a wreck resulting in severe and permanent injuries to our client. Insurance carrier raised defenses of sovereign immunity and medical emergency, which was not successful, and parties entered confidential settlement just prior to trial.
$1,000,000 Car Wreck Jury Verdict
31 year old Columbus woman was injured in a head-on collision in Muscogee County, GA. As a result, she suffered severe and permanent injuries, including a torn rotator cuff that required surgery.
$1,000,000 Malpractice Settlement
Family of patient sued local hospital and doctor over improper diagnosis and treatment, which resulted in the tragic death of the patient.
$750,000 Malpractice Settlement
Family of local elderly woman sued a local nursing home over multiple pressure sores that developed over the course of the course of their mother’s stay.
$500,000 Car Wreck Settlement
Ft. Benning soldier suffered the loss of two family members in a tragic wreck. Insurance company raised the defense of “medical emergency” for their driver, but the case was settled for the policy limits.
$475,000 Car Wreck Settlement
Car wreck was the result of a rear-end collision. Hairdresser suffered severe and permanent injuries, including cervical disc bulge and multiple lumbar disc bulges. She has had two surgeries and has been unable to return to work.
$400,000 Malpractice Settlement
Family of patient sued local hospital and doctor over improper diagnosis and treatment, which resulted in the tragic death of the patient.
$370,000 Car Wreck Settlement
County official negligently caused a wreck, running into the side of the vehicle of our client. Insurance carrier raised defense of sovereign immunity, which was not successful, leading to largest municipal settlement in county’s history.
$300,000 Car Wreck Settlement
Car wreck was the result of a teenager making an improper left turn in front of a local city employee. She suffered severe and permanent injuries, including severe lumbar spinal injuries, which she had surgically repaired.
$280,000 Car Wreck Settlement
Car wreck was the result of an uninsured driver, with a history of driving violations, hitting an employee while he was driving a company vehicle. He suffered severe and permanent injuries, including rib cage pain and knee replacement surgery.
$250,000 Car Wreck Settlement
Local teacher was injured by local teenager driving recklessly and suffered shoulder injury as a result. Case settled for policy limits.
$244,500 Car Wreck Settlement
Liable party rear-ended client at an off ramp of J.R. Allen Parkway. She suffered severe and permanent injuries, including cervical disc bulge and left shoulder rotator cuff tear.
$230,000 Malpractice Settlement
Local woman sued a local doctor and hospital over having to undergo a second surgery to remove a “foreign object” left during initial surgery.
$150,000 Car Wreck Settlement
Russell County resident broadsided by teenage driver. He suffered severe and permanent injuries, including a right leg/hip fracture and left arm fracture. Case settled for policy limits.
$135,000 Car Wreck Settlement
Liable party failed to brake properly, causing a “domino effect” car wreck, placing our client in the middle of a three car wreck. She suffered severe and permanent injuries, including cervical injuries. Case settled for policy limits.
$130,000 Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Client was injured during an attack by a co-worker at a local business. He suffered severe and permanent injuries, including stab wounds to neck, chest and abdomen. Insurance carrier raised defense of intentional tort, which was unsuccessful, and the case was settled.
$100,000 Car Wreck Settlement
Local business owner suffered significant orthopedic injuries while riding his motorcycle, when liable party turned in front of him causing a devastating wreck. Case settled for policy limits.
$100,000 Car Wreck Settlement
Car wreck resulted in the death of a young man. Insurance carrier paid policy limits prior to suit being filed.
$100,000 Car Wreck Settlement
Car wreck was the result of a teenager running a stop sign. A grandmother suffered severe and permanent injuries, including a left shoulder rotator cuff tear, which she had surgically repaired. Case settled for policy limits.
$100,000 Slip and Fall Settlement
Elderly shopper at a Big Box Store slipped and fell on frozen food that had been dropped on the floor. As a result, she suffered severe and permanent orthopedic injuries.
$100,000 Car Wreck Settlement
In a case of disputed liability, insurance carrier paid policy limits on a case that resulted in a passenger death.